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01865 777946 01865 777946

107-111 Hollow Way, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2NE

Byron DBY-22311UK 150m Portable doorbell


This wireless doorbell set has a maximum range of 150 meter and 16 melodies with volume control. 

The door bell is wireless and fully portable and the bell push button is battery powered.

3x AA Batteries required for chime


stars Good customer service .you can have a chin wag thats if its not busy they have everthing excellent


stars Fantastic; I needed a washer for a modern bath pop-up waste plug.. Visited 3 or 4 plumbers merchants without success, they could only offer me a full new bath waste kit which would need a plumber to fit! Smith and Low had the item to hand. The price was probably 50% of online price[hint: Smith and Low you can easily charge £2.99 for almost anything.. I owe you] It was the correct little rubber washer, and was fitted in 3 minutes.. After minor adjustment of pop-up movement, the bath is no longer leaking.. Thank you.

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