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107-111 Hollow Way, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2NE

Buffalo Toilet Plunger


These plungers, sometimes known as suction plungers, are made of plastic and have a concertina construction. This allows a much larger volume of air or water displacement and is the most effective way of removing a blockage. For maximum effect ensure the bellows are at least half full with water. Use a back and forth motion to push and pull the blockage. With a tight seal the backwards motion will actually suck the water away from the blockage. For very heavy blockages this is necessary in order to break it up and let the full impact of the force push it away.

The toilet plunger is designed specifically for fitting low down into the toilet U bend. With a narrow end it can also be used for difficult to access outdoor drains.

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stars Best hardware store in town, super helpful and knowledgeable staff! V. good price on car batteries too!


stars This place is a treasure trove of tools, hardware, electrical and electronic parts, bike parts and household items. The prices are good, particularly when you're buying small quantities of eg screws. Staff are helpful and there's a couple of guys in there who can give you a lot of advice. I'm very glad little independent stores like this are still open. There's always been plenty of other shoppers in there when I'm in there which is a good sign of a store with a good reputation.

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