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01865 777946 01865 777946

107-111 Hollow Way, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2NE

Airvent 150mm 6 inch Extractor Fan

  • Mains voltage 230/240V AC 50Hz
  • Extraction rate 68 litres per second, 245 cubic metres per hour
  • Power consumption: 25 watts, Sound output: only 45dB(A) @ 3m
  • Non switched
  • IP22 rated, CE approved

stars Friendly expert service with a great selection of piping, cabling, general fixtures/fittings and basic tools.


stars Fantastic; I needed a washer for a modern bath pop-up waste plug.. Visited 3 or 4 plumbers merchants without success, they could only offer me a full new bath waste kit which would need a plumber to fit! Smith and Low had the item to hand. The price was probably 50% of online price[hint: Smith and Low you can easily charge £2.99 for almost anything.. I owe you] It was the correct little rubber washer, and was fitted in 3 minutes.. After minor adjustment of pop-up movement, the bath is no longer leaking.. Thank you.

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