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107-111 Hollow Way, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2NE

6N12A-2D Motorcycle Battery


Conventional Motorbike and Sport Battery

  •  1 Year Guarantee 
  •  Available Fully Charged If Required - Please Advise
  •  High Starting Performance 
  •  Wet Technology

RangeTashima Conventional
Voltage6 Volts
Capacity12 Ah
Length156 mm
Width57 mm
Height inc. terms116 mm
Guarantee1 Year

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stars Smith & Low is an important local business as there are not many like this left. The staff are really friendly, there is always the stock that I need and it is an easy shopping experience. I often have DIY problems and can rest assured that they will have the best advice and correct bits I need.


stars This place is a treasure trove of tools, hardware, electrical and electronic parts, bike parts and household items. The prices are good, particularly when you're buying small quantities of eg screws. Staff are helpful and there's a couple of guys in there who can give you a lot of advice. I'm very glad little independent stores like this are still open. There's always been plenty of other shoppers in there when I'm in there which is a good sign of a store with a good reputation.

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